Monday, June 15, 2009

To my children... Jordan, and Briana

I don't know who I am,
but who I want to be;
I don't recognize the face,
while looking in the mirror at me...

Am I the person I once was,
am I the reason, not the cause;
who am I ?
where do I go,
how do I learn;
please let it show...

To take away the pain,
to wash it all away;
there's nothing I can do,
and nothing left to say...

I'd give my very life,
to know you'd have peace within;
I'd end it all for me,
just for you it would finally begin...

I want to see you happy,
I want to see you shine;
I want much more for the both of you,
than I ever wanted for mine...

I never meant to hurt you,
I only wish you could see;
that all ever wanted,
was to be with you happy, and free...
I only wish

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I see, and he's set me free...

I sit alone,
and wonder why;
should I give up,
or should I try...

I find myself in,
in your embrace;
I search around,
to see your face...

I cannot see,
yet this I know;
that through my heart,
your love will show...

I can't take back,
my foolish ways;
I can't erase,
my broken days...

For I know know now,
it's was meant to be;
because I found you,
and now I see...

For you have set me free...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The pain I hide

This pain I carry
deep within
how did it start
when will it end

Dreary days
passing by
I ask myself
and wonder why

Can you tell me
if it's real
is this pain
that I feel

Take it from me
let it go
peace and love
will finally show

Life has a pace

Eyes wide shut
but open to see
allow your heart
to set you free

Fallen so deep
catching me fast
the future has come
forgetting the past

Days you've lost
will begin to heal
the touch of life
you can feel

Own will

Time sitting still
passing you by
no need to worry
nor wonder why

Let it go
and you will see
in this life
what you can be

Free your mind
let it go
then your love
will begin to show

Loving a man

Loving a man
To love a man,
as I love you,
the way I think,
the things I do..

Leaving me helpless,
sometimes I feel lost,
this love you can't pay,
no matter the cost...

Sitting up late,
thinking all night,
you take away fear,
you take away fright...

So how to explain,
a love so true,
through the life I lead,
I'll show it to you...

Our 1st Kiss

Our 1st Kiss

I'd sit up thinking,
how it would be;
standing there,
as your kissing me...

My knees went weak,
I trembled inside;
it was such a feeling,
I couldn't hide...

I never thought,
I'd be kissing you here;
but messing up,
was just a fear...

When you touch me,
my mind goes blank;
my thought's erase,
my heart just sank...

The words you speak,
I pray are true;
forever I want,
to be kissing you...

Thought's of loving you

Thought's of loving you
Uncontrolled desires,
is what I feel;
can you tell me,
is this real...

My mind is twisting,
thoughts will turn;
for you my body,
has begun to yearn...

Taking it slow,
is what I must do;
feeling such emotions,
that I never knew...

How my body weakens,
when you speak to me:
as I fill with love,
you set me free...

Will you love me,
more and more each day:
I get so nervous,
of what to say...

I'm afraid,
this is true:
I feel myself,
loving you...

Making it...

Making it...
With every word,
you've given me;
you opened my eyes,
so that I could see...
You take my fears,
and turn them out;
you pick me up,
when I'm full of doubt...
For every breath,
I seem to take;
a forever love,
is what we make...
Empty arms,
from the start;
now this love,
is in my heart...
Taking everything over,
these thought's of you in mind;
if you search within me,
true love is all you'll find...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Heart

One day our lives will be,
together you,and me;
I promise you will see...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesus set me free

Today I surrender,
I surrender myself to thee;
I ask that your will be done,
please take this pain from me...

I know I cannot make it,
without you by my side;
hand and hand, each and everyday,
I'll nolonger run, or hide...

Jesus if you hear me,
please take this all away;
I feel like I'm falling,
will I make it through this day?

I pray in time I'll change,
I pray in time I'll see;
that it was you, all along,
right here guiding me...

You've given me hope, and faith,
you've filled that empty space;
all the pain and suffering,
you made it all erase...

Jesus set me free!!!

Love was meant to last

His love is what I want,
his love he gives to me;
his love keeps me strong,
his love sets me free...

My love I'll give to him,
my love is eternal, and true;
my love has grown so strong,
in a way I never knew...

Our love can climb a mountain,
our love won't fall apart;
our love is everlasting,
buried deep in the heart...

Together our love is committed,
together we will last;
together working towards the future,
soon this all will pass...

Our love was meant to last...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Who knows????

As I open my mind,
I begin to see;
where I will go,
just who I will be...

Just like crossing a river,
or climbing a hill;
growing within,
and beginning to feel...

So long that it's been,
so far that I came;
knowing my life,
will never be the same...

Now I can see,
now that I know;
now through my actions,
it's starting to show...

Only God will know...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Heart

These little ones are what keep me going...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Meant to be

The time you waste,
dwelling on the past;
choices you've made,
weren't meant to last...

Relationships gone bad,
things went wrong;
your heart beats slow,
to a sad love song...

Reasons may vary,
sometimes it's true;
things we've done,
or what we do...

Yet in do time,
you will see;
who it is,
your meant to be...

In this life,
running wild;
or sitting home,
raising a child...

Take your time,
take it slow;
because in this life,
we'll never know...

Just where our life will go...

Poor me

Can you hear it,
the tears I've cried;
can you see,
the years I've tried...

Do you only see,
my bitter ways;
have you only seen,
my lonely days...

When I'm all alone,
as you sleep at night;
I sit awake,
in fear and fright...

I cannot take it,
not anymore;
as I lie awake,
on this cold hard floor...

My pride, my strength,
I am to blame;
will my life,
ever be the same...

Please tell me who's to blame...

Inspiration Unknown

Open your mind,
set yourself free;
open your eyes,
now can you see...

The hunger and strife,
the will to do right;
not giving up,
without a good fight...

Into this trouble,
the war has begun;
nolonger the want,
there is no more fun...

You react without thought,
selfcontrol out the door;
looking around,
your friends are no more...

Everyone is gone,
you sit all alone;
you can't even tell,
this presence unknown...

Now can you see,
what's there for you;
who's gonna be here,
when this is all through...

Keep that in mind,
when this is done;
living a life,
joyous and fun...

Give it to God

As I look to the Lord,
letting it be;
so why is it that,
no one can see...

Building up anger,
then letting it go;
now my true feeling,
are starting to show...

I sit here and smile,
holding it in;
not ever realizing,
it was called sin...

Why does it hurt,
this way that I feel;
making it harder,
how will I heal...

Maybe I'll laugh,
or maybe I'll cry;
yet thinking so deep,
I'm wondering why...

So trying to grow,
I'll keep within me;
talking to God,
for I know he can see...

Resentment has grown,
what will I do;
to release it from me,
and hand it to you...

Finally I see,
he loved me so much;
into my heart,
I'm feeling God's touch...

A feeling I desire so much...

A Life free of sin

The clouds have opened,
the sky is so bright;
angels of love,
fill it with light...

All your pain fades,
letting it go;
the feeling of christ,
is beginning to show...

Imagine a touch,
in a world so new;
all of your dreams,
are now coming true...

Love fills the air,
a peace grown within;
a new life of joy,
starts to begin...

A life free of sin...